Thursday, July 31, 2008

Updates, updates

So.... my little girl Bambina is on a five-week vacation *ugh for me, but thumbs up for her*. She's gone for one and a half weeks now I think, so still way to go. I have decided to make use of the time and try to find another addition to my household. So far nothing has turned up, though I sort of have a sub, but our online times don't seem to match too well, so I'm more like a keyholder to her. Right now I'm also talking to Ling, who might be just the right girl, but so far we haven't been able to talk much.
Also I have taken down the house and started to build a new one. Had an awesome inspiration for a throne room the other day, when I visited Winter Ventura's Eclectic Randomness. In fact I pretty much stole her idea and so far mine looks like an identical copy of hers - a pitch black room with a pool of light centering around the throne. She also has this awesome (and huge) picture of a completely restrained slave dressed head-to-toe in black rubber. I asked her where she got it and was even able to give me a copy of it - so yay! The only problem is that my build now really looks like an almost identical copy of hers - we even have the same throne.
Oh, and my neighbor pissed me off again... messaged me about the new build to complain that I was polluting the neighborhood - more on that soon in a big post that will be entirely devoted to him *grins* Watch out for that one.

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About Me

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I have been sub, I have been domme, I have a penchant for hypnosis, I have been up and I have been down. But I am always and most importantly - me. Kind, sensitive, loyal and yes - kinky.