Saturday, May 7, 2022

The unlikely Mistress, pt. I

Just 12 years later and I'm back to blogging. Bizarre. Most of the people I used to know have long left SL, yet here I am. How did that come to pass you may ask. I know I would!

Well, it started innocently enough. After my last "Mistress" flaked out on me in December and just didn't log on for weeks I was not too surprised or hurt. Busy RL, SL not exciting enough, alts. It's whatever. People come and go in SL. And that is how it’s always been. Here today, gone tomorrow.

Anyway, on with my story. In February I met someone at HBC. From her looks she seemed more like an outsider, a bystander. Just dressed normally, somewhat inconspicuous. Stood out in this place of fetishists and posers. So I chatted her up and we started talking. And the more we talked the more I liked her and her somewhat different, fresh views. A rather down-to-earth woman, also an aspiring domme, kinda new to it all. With a girlfriend, too, one she wanted to make her sub – but not next week, in a year. A WHOLE YEAR. In my experience you are lucky if things stay the same in SL for more than a few weeks. And yet, here she was, coolly stating her long-reaching plans. And she meant it, too.

That made me think and my initial politeness somehow turned into respect. This woman simply made plans for years, just because that was what she wanted to do and she was calmly working on putting them into practice. It kinda blew my mind. The fact that she had an opening for a sub was interesting, too. And we became friends and the idea of becoming her sub started to grow on me.

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About Me

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I have been sub, I have been domme, I have a penchant for hypnosis, I have been up and I have been down. But I am always and most importantly - me. Kind, sensitive, loyal and yes - kinky.